Multiple Identity Verification

Multi-factor Authentication


Next Level Security

Our advanced multi-factor authentication solution is crafted to bolster security for your business, enabling you to incorporate multi-factor authentication into websites, applications, and devices, including logging in to your Windows computer.

  • Enhanced Security

    Adds an additional layer of security by demanding multiple forms of verification.

  • User-Friendly Authentication

    Offers a variety of authentication methods for a user-friendly experience.

  • Adaptive Access Policies

    Allows for access policies based on context, taking into account user and device factors.

  • Secure Remote Access

    Facilitates secure access to corporate resources from any location.

  • Integration with Existing Systems

    Effortlessly integrates with diverse applications and systems.

  • Compliance and Reporting

    Provides compliance reporting to meet regulatory requirements and audits.


Enable Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is indispensable for your business, delivering an additional layer of security beyond passwords. This dual-factor approach, requiring something users know and possess, significantly diminishes the risk of unauthorised access. In addition to fortifying your business against cyber threats, implementing MFA assists your business in meeting compliance requirements, showcasing a dedication to safeguarding sensitive data and cultivating trust with customers.



Questions about Multi-factor Authentication

What is multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication is a security process that necessitates users to furnish two or more distinct authentication factors to confirm their identity. These factors typically encompass something you know (e.g., password), something you have (e.g., a smartphone or security token), and something you are (e.g., biometric data like fingerprint or facial recognition).

Why is multi-factor authentication important?

Multi-factor authentication fortifies security by introducing an extra layer of protection beyond merely a username and password. It significantly diminishes the risk of unauthorised access, as even if one factor is compromised, an attacker would still require the other factor(s) to gain access.

What are the common types of multi-factor authentication methods?

Common types of multi-factor authentication methods encompass:

  • Knowledge-based factors (passwords, PINs)
  • Possession-based factors (smartphones, security tokens)
  • Inherence-based factors (biometrics such as fingerprints, facial recognition)

How does time-based one-time password (TOTP) work in multi-factor authentication?

TOTP is a prevalent form of two-factor authentication where a temporary passcode is generated based on the current time and a shared secret between the user and the service. The user enters this time-sensitive code along with their regular password to complete the authentication process.

Can multi-factor authentication be bypassed or hacked?

While no security measure is entirely foolproof, multi-factor authentication significantly elevates the bar for attackers. Nonetheless, there have been instances of phishing attacks or social engineering attempts where attackers deceive users into providing all necessary authentication factors. It is crucial for users to remain vigilant and adhere to best security practices.

How can businesses encourage users to adopt multi-factor authentication?

Businesses can encourage the adoption of multi-factor authentication by:

  • Providing clear and user-friendly instructions for enabling MFA.
  • Educating users about the significance of MFA and the heightened security it offers.
  • Offering incentives or rewards for users who enable and regularly use MFA.
  • Streamlining the MFA setup process to foster widespread adoption.

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